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The Importance Of Giving Tuesday Three Charities Weigh In

The Importance of Giving Tuesday: Three Charities Weigh In

Giving Tuesday can be one of the most important days of the year for Charities. We spoke to three of our Epilogue for Charities partners about what this philanthropic holiday means to their organization.

Giving Tuesday, founded in 2012 by CanadaHelps.org, is an international movement focused on giving back. In 2021, the movement saw over $43 million of charitable donations made in just 24 hours. On November 29th, Canadians are encouraged to make a one-time donation, pledge a monthly/annual gift, volunteer, or leave a charitable bequest in their will to a charity that resonates with them.

We asked some of our Epilogue for Charities partners to answer some questions about their organization and Giving Tuesday.

First, let’s meet the charities.

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) is the national voice for hospice palliative care in Canada, working to ensure that every person facing a life-limiting illness in Canada can access quality hospice palliative care when they need it most. Through awareness-building, education, knowledge translation, and advocacy, CHPCA is building a future where no one is left to suffer needlessly because they cannot access hospice palliative care in Canada.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), established in 1950, is dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and the stateless.

Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) empowers women and children by supporting education, healthcare, and social services across Israel and Canada. By providing donors and volunteers with a vehicle to effect meaningful change through their philanthropy, CHW enables its supporters to make the world a better place.

Giving Tuesday revolves around the simple idea of inspiring people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. 
Giving Tuesday revolves around the simple idea of inspiring people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. 

Why is Giving Tuesday important to your organization? 

UNHCR: Giving Tuesday revolves around the simple idea of inspiring people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. For UNHCR, this Giving Tuesday is especially critical. With a mandate to protect and assist over 100 million displaced people, UNHCR’s work today is more important than ever before.

CHW: Giving Tuesday is a great way to encourage our supporters to be proactive as we approach the end of the year. Our 2022 end of year campaign, EMPOWER BRIGHT MINDS, is supporting CHW’s education initiatives, ensuring bright futures for youth who count on CHW every year. Without CHW’s investments in education, many students in Israel would not have access to vital opportunities for advanced learning. Giving Tuesday will help us provide access to education, empowering students and youth to make the future a brighter place.

A unique benefit of a legacy gift is that is has no impact on your current assets, cash flow or lifestyle today.
A unique benefit of a legacy gift is that is has no impact on your current assets, cash flow or lifestyle today.

If a donor is deciding between leaving a one-time gift and a charitable bequest, what guidance would you give them?

CHPCA: It comes down to your goals – since most charitable bequests are larger than one-time gifts, they often have an impact that is of a different scale or scope, though they usually don’t address any immediate needs.

As Canada’s population ages, we know that the need for hospice palliative care will only grow in the coming years. If we think of the hospice palliative care system as a house being built, a one-time gift helps us lay the foundation upon which we will be building in coming years to meet the growing needs of an aging population. A larger charitable bequest would be like building an addition onto that metaphorical house, expanding our capacity to serve all those who need care and support  at a vulnerable time in their lives, and leaving a legacy of growth and compassion.

UNHCR: Current giving and legacy gifts have a powerful impact on the lives of displaced people around the world. Whether you choose to give today, or in the future, your support can provide vital services and supplies to those who need it urgently, wherever an emergency strikes.

A unique benefit of a legacy gift is that is has no impact on your current assets, cash flow or lifestyle today. It is also one of the most efficient ways to give as it can reduce, or even eliminate, the tax burden on your beneficiaries, since your estate will receive a tax receipt for your gift.

Including UNHCR in your Will is a meaningful way to help improve the futures of displaced women, men and children. Recognizing the growing numbers of people forced to flee worldwide, your legacy gift can ensure your compassion continues beyond your own lifetime.

CHW: Making a charitable gift to CHW should make you feel good, not stressed out.  Many people think they have to give money right now to make an impact, but it’s just not in their budget. Making a charitable bequest through our Legacy Circle is an easy way to make a big impact and ensure CHW continues to grow and thrive.

Choose to make a difference this Giving Tuesday

Regardless of the form of your donation, charities like those interviewed today rely on the generosity of donors like you on Giving Tuesday. For more information on the charities, you can click their full name at the top of the article. To learn more about the Epilogue for Charities program, you can visit our site at epiloguewills.com/epilogue-for-charities/.

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