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Epilogue Makes It Easier Than Ever To Appoint A Professional Trust Company As The Executor Of Your Will

It’s easier than ever to appoint a professional trust company as your executor

Customers can now appoint a professional trust company as the executor of their Will using Epilogue.

Being named the executor of someone’s estate is a big honour. But anyone that has been the executor for a family member or friend will tell you that it is not easy. The role carries many responsibilities and potential legal liability.

Since the launch of Epilogue, we have heard from people who don’t have anyone to name as their executor and others who don’t want to burden their family and friends with the responsibility. While it is possible to name a professional trust company (sometimes called a “corporate executor”) as the executor of your estate, this option hasn’t been available to anyone that chose to make their Will online…until now.

There are just a few companies in Canada that can act as someone’s executor – RBC Royal Trust is one of them. We worked with RBC Royal Trust to enable any Epilogue customer to create a Will that names RBC Royal Trust as the executor of their estate.

Common Questions

Do I need to be a customer of RBC to name RBC Royal Trust as my executor?

No, you do not need to be current a customer of RBC to name RBC Royal Trust as the executor of your estate.

How do I use Epilogue to name RBC Royal Trust as my executor?

If you have already created your Will with Epilogue, log in to your account and click “Continue Questionnaire”. You will see some new questions that will give you the option to learn about how professional trust companies work, as well as take the steps to appoint RBC Royal Trust as executor in your Will.

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, you will need to re-generate, re-print, and re-sign your Will (in accordance with the laws of your province). Once it is properly signed, a new Will revokes any prior Wills that a person has made.

If you haven’t started the Will-making process yet with Epilogue, you can get started today. When you get to the section on executors, you will see the option to name RBC Royal Trust as the executor of your Will. 

Can I speak to someone about naming RBC Royal Trust as my executor? 

If you would like to speak to someone at RBC Royal Trust to learn more about what is involved in naming them as the executor of your estate, you can contact RBC Royal Trust by telephone at 1-833-404-2692.

If you would like to speak to someone at Epilogue, you can send an email to [email protected] or give us a call at (289) 678-1689.

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